Get the JV Tools

Angle: 20 years in the making


  • 20 years in the making...
  • It took 20 years for this to become a reality
  • Finally after 20 YEARS of dreaming about it...
  • 20 years of dreaming (now you can profit from it)
  • After 20 years we are experiencing something spectacular
  • It took 20 years and now it can be yours
  • It took 20 years to see this marketing software
  • The 20 year marketing dream come true




My friend Eric has been selling digital products on the internet for the past 20 years.

Throughout that time, he has been constantly looking for ways to leverage technology and automate his business.

Back when he started, over 20 years ago, he started dreaming about the kind of automation that exists today.

Finally, after 20 years, it has become a reality:


Eric has launched dozens of marketing automation tools over the years starting with his first software in 2006.

In 2009, he launched one called "Push Button Marketer" with his brother-in-law, which was a breakthrough marketing automation tool.

In 2014, he launched "Instant Product Engine" with Naveed. That was a major automation breakthrough for rebranding and selling PLR products.

Now, a full 10 years since that one, a completely new kind of "Product Engine" has been born.

It's the perfect union of AI technology with digital product development and direct-response marketing.

Imagine, an AI system that generates all of this for you on-demand:

-Your product

-Your sales letter

-Your download page

-Your graphics

It works for any niche, and it can perform over and over again.

This is something you'll just have the SEE to believe. You’ll understand everything when you see this:


It's taken 20 years to get to this point, and you don't want to miss it now. (The launch special is ending soon)

I recommend jumping on this right away, because this kind of thing does NOT happen very often.

To your success,


Angle: Olympics

Possible subject lines:

  • Be a digital marketing Olympian
  • Go for gold with profitable digital products
  • Create Olympic-worthy digital products with AI
  • Achieve digital success during the Olympics
  • Launch digital products like an Olympian
  • Your gold medal AI tool for digital product success
  • Olympic-level digital product creation (AI breakthough)
  • This AI tool shines like a gold medal from Paris
  • Reach the Olympic podium of digital success
  • Create products faster than an Olympian
  • AI product creation faster than Olympic sprinters
  • Olympic-sprinter speed for digital products (New AI)



Feeling inspired by the Olympics in Paris?

Now's your chance to go for gold in any niche of your choice.

With AiProductEngine, you can be a champion in any niche. It will create your ebooks, sales pages, and thank-you pages faster than a sprinter.

Check it out:


The built-in ecover graphics creator ensures your products look medal-worthy. And the best part? AiProductEngine automatically hosts your sales pages online, so you're virtually guaranteed to be in business by the end of the day.

Imagine launching your product as smoothly as a gold-medal gymnast's routine. This AI platform makes sure every product is unique, just like each Olympic performance.

Whether you're into fitness, cooking, or something as unique as synchronized swimming tutorials, AiProductEngine has you covered. (As you'll see, they actually used an obscure fitness niche in the demo video)

Don't let technical hurdles slow you down. Ready to climb the podium of success?

Grab your spot at the top and start creating today:


Just don't delay, because the Olympics will be ending soon and so will the launch special.

Go for the gold!


Angle: Sell in ANY Niche


  • Sell in ANY niche with this AI
  • (New AI) Generate products for any niche market
  • Unlock niche markets with this AI platform
  • Tap into literally any niche with this...
  • (AI automation) Sell digital products in any niche
  • Any niche, any product, anytime with this AI breakthrough
  • Niche-specific products in minutes with AI
  • Sell to alpaca groomers and more!
  • Underwater basket weaving niche? No problem!
  • Niche markets: from yoga to yodeling (AI makes it easy)
  • Launch products for any quirky niche with this...
  • Obscure niches? We’ve got you covered!
  • From bonsai pruning to bee whispering
  • Turn a quirky passion into profit with AI



Ever thought about creating digital products but worried about finding a niche?

With this new AI platform, you can instantly generate products for ANY niche, so you don't have to worry about wasting time on product development.

This tool can literally create products in minutes, so you can try as many niches as you want.

Check this out:


Whether you're into fitness, cooking, or even alpaca grooming, AiProductEngine has you covered. It's versatile enough to handle anything you throw at it.

Wait until you see the niche they used in the demo video. Interesting, to say the least!

Now you can create ebooks, sales pages, and thank-you pages in a snap. Plus, their AI Engine ensures that each product is unique.

Think your niche is too obscure? Not a chance. AiProductEngine is perfect for everything from underwater basket weaving to vintage typewriter repair.

No design skills needed. Their built-in ecover graphics creator has got you covered. And they automatically host your sales pages online.

So, whether you’re a yoga instructor or a hamster training expert, AiProductEngine makes it easy to create and sell.

Watch the demo and then try it for yourself:


Don't miss out on the chance to tap into ANY niche, ANY time.

Just be sure to check it out today during the launch special.

To your success,


Angle: Crazy invention


  • Crazy invention (you've got to see this)
  • You've never seen anything like this...
  • This profit-producing "invention" is CRAZY...
  • This is THE marketing invention for 2024
  • Crazy AI marketing invention
  • This crazy AI platform rocks!
  • This new AI for marketers in crazy


Hi (Firstname),


Today I came across a new AI invention that you've got to see:


Until recently, this system would have been impossible. It's only been invented now because of the new AI technology, and you're going to be blown away by why it can accomplish for your online business.

Imagine this..

An automated system that generates all this FOR you:

-Your product

-Your sales letter

-Your download page

-Your graphics

I know, it's hard to believe, but it's REAL.

Please check out this video for a real demonstration of this incredible new invention in action:


I recommend grabbing it now, because this is not something you want to be left out on.

Those who get in on time will have a huge advantage for the rest of 2024 and beyond.

To your success,


Angle: Done-For-You


  • All of this is DONE for you...
  • Click... click... done!
  • Your own unique product in minutes (AI magic)
  • Product (Done) Graphics (Done) Sales page (Done)
  • Instant CUSTOM product, graphics, and sales page
  • This AI is easier, cheaper and faster than outsourcing...
  • Digital Product Business Done-For-You by AI


Hi (Firstname),

Wouldn't it be nice to have the most difficult parts of your business DONE for you?

I mean like, just snap your fingers, and it's done.

Well I'm not offering you a genie in a bottle today, but it's probably the closest thing you'll ever find to it:


Believe it or not, I've found a new AI machine that will create all of this for you with a few clicks...

-Your product

-Your sales letter

-Your download page

-Your graphics

There will probably always be certain parts of running a successful business that you have to do yourself, but why not automate the rest of it?

This new tool is going to save you a lot of time, money, and probably spare you a few headaches ;-)

In my book, anything that helps you in these areas is worth considering. In this particular situation, the affordability of the solution makes it almost a no-brainer.

I recommend that you take a look at it here:


The launch special will be closing soon, so please check it out today.



Angle: The Impossible Made Possible


  • This was impossible 2 years ago
  • 2 years ago this was impossible
  • Grab this AI advantage for 2024 and beyond
  • Crazy AI marketing invention of 2024
  • The impossible made possible for digital marketers
  • Turn your business dreams into reality with AI
  • Create digital products instantly with AI
  • This AI secret weapon does the "impossible"
  • AI makes the impossible possible
  • Make the impossible possible with AI
  • Unleash the power of AI for digital products
  • This was impossible until now (AI marketing breakthrough)


Hi (Firstname),

This is THE automated Internet marketing tool for 2024 and beyond:


Even the "gurus" have been blown away by this new technology.

Just two years ago, an AI tool like this was a dream. It simply wasn't possible.

Now, not only is it possible, it's a reality. Imagine launching a product in minutes, not weeks. This revolutionary tool makes it happen.

It's taken years develop, and it's like nothing you've ever seen before.

Can you imagine, an AUTOMATED system that generates a product for you in minutes?

Then it generates your sales page and thank-you page. Then it generates graphics. It puts everything online and makes it ready to sell.

I know it sounds like science fiction, but it's here NOW:


I recommend grabbing this incredible system now before they close the doors on the launch special.

The future is now,


Angle: Everyone is using it


  • Everyone is using it
  • Everyone is using this...
  • Everyone and their grandma is doing this
  • Everyone and their gramma and their gramma's dog...
  • Is anyone NOT using it?
  • The whole world is getting hooked on this
  • All the world is hooked on this...
  • Everyone is using AI
  • This AI tool is epic
  • Digital marketing made easy with AI
  • New AI game-changer for entrepreneurs
  • Jump on the AI train - don't miss this!
  • The AI tool of the year for marketers
  • AI tool of the year for entrepreneurs


Hi (Firstname),

AI is everywhere. From grandmas to students, everyone is using it.

Now, it's time for you to get in on the action an a whole new level:


AI Product Engine is changing the game for digital product creation.

Create ebooks, sales pages, and thank-you pages effortlessly. The AI makes sure every product is unique and top-notch.

No design skills? No problem. AI Product Engine includes a built-in ecover graphics maker.

And to make it even better? Your sales pages are automatically hosted online. You can start selling immediately.

Perfect for any niche, from fitness to finance. AI Product Engine makes it all possible.

Don't get left behind. Embrace the future of digital marketing:


I encourage you to check it out today during the launch special which will be ending soon.

Others are already joining this great opportunity, don't let it slip by.



Angle: $840B Industry


  • The NEW $840 Billion Industry
  • Claim your piece of a $840 Billion industry...
  • The $840 Billion industry that is exploding.
  • A FAST growing market (jump in now!)
  • Massively growing industry - get in NOW!
  • Don't miss this $840 Billion market!



To discover one of the fastest growing industries, and how you can jump into it TODAY, please check this out:


This industry is known as eLearning, and the global market is expected to reach $840 Billion by 2030.

You've probably heard about eLearning by now. Maybe you've even tried it.

Throughout this year the eLearning industry has continued to explode with growth, as it has gained tens of millions of new participants and continues to grow daily.

What you need to know is that it's showing no signs of slowing down! eLearning is here to stay, and its only going to keep growing.

As an entrepreneur, that means it's a market that you should be jumping into right NOW.

Previously, there were a lot of obstacles to starting your own eLearning business, but a new platform was just launched that makes it easier and more effective than ever.

Thanks to the power of AI and this brand-new platform, you can launch your own eLearning business in a matter of minutes, with no prior experience or technical skills needed.

I recommend going here and checking it out immediately:


You can join during the launch special right now, but it will be expiring soon so don't wait!

Don't miss this opportunity to get in during the initial growth curve of this incredibly hot industry.

To your success,


Angle: Stop Creating Products


  • Stop creating digital products!
  • No need to create products anymore!
  • Is digital product creation dead?
  • Stop creating digital products the old way
  • Stop creating digital products the hard way
  • Stop creating products the hard way! (Use this AI)
  • Never create a digital product again
  • Crazy new AI creates digital products from scratch
  • This AI creates digital products for you to sell



Ever done the hard work of creating your own product?

Good for you! Just know that you DON'T have to do it again.

Thanks to this new platform, you can harness the power of AI to create digital products for any topic and in any niche:


Forget about the headaches of digital products creation. AiProductEngine taps into AI technology to craft digital products in any niche you can dream up. Yes, you heard that right. Any niche, any topic, without the sweat and tears.

What's more, by utilizing this platform, you'll also be able to instantly generate sales pages and sell those products online.

No copywriting. No technical hassles.

Imagine the freedom to focus on growing your online business without worrying about any of that other stuff. With AiProductEngine, that's not just possible; it's a given.

Ready to ditch the hard way of doing business online? Check this out now:


The launch special will be ending soon, so just be sure to get in now. Your future self will thank you :-)

See you on the other side,


Angle: Non-scam one-click software


  • This is not a one-click solution but it WORKS
  • Don't believe the one-click BS hype
  • There's no such thing as one-click solution (sorry)
  • One click riches? BS!
  • One click software? (cough...BS!...cough)
  • so many scams :-(
  • Too many scammy marketing softwares



We've all seen them.

Those hyped up pitches for marketing software that claim you can basically get riches with one click.

Yeah, right!

I guarantee you, there is NO one-click solution that will do all the work of building and running a business.

Thankfully there are some very helpful software and tools out there, the problem is figuring out which ones are legit.

Today I found one I'd like to share with you, which is the real deal:


Somewhere on the sales page, it probably mentions being able to do a certain task with one click.

But here's what sets this one apart. Go look at the demo video.

Most demo videos are short, glossed over, and don't show how it REALLY works.

Not this one. The demo video is 32 minutes long and there is a LOT accomplished in the video!

Within the video, they actually create a new product, use AI to create the sales page, get it all online for sale.

Definitely not a one-click solution. More like 50 clicks. Maybe 100 or 200 clicks. But LOOK at what gets done with those clicks!

This is an incredible solution, and I already grabbed it for my own business.

I recommend checking it out here during the launch special:


I really wish more software vendors would have this kind of transparency in their demo videos.

To your REAL success,


Angle: Niches + AI


  • New AI = profit from things you know nothing about
  • You don't have to know anything to profit with this
  • With this AI, specialized knowledge is not needed for profits
  • People will pay you for this...
  • How to teach anything and get paid for it...
  • Cash in on knowledge that you DON'T have
  • This AI = profit from mere ideas



There's an online industry that is growing by leaps and bounds at this moment.

It's called eLearning, and right NOW is the perfect time to get into it:


At any given moment, there are tens of millions of people looking to LEARN online.

Those users are looking to learn everything and anything!

The market is absolutely exploding with students of all ages who want gain knowledge and skills in all areas.

In other words, they will PAY to learn things.

Up until now, the way to get into this business was the create a course teaching something you KNOW.

Today that concept got turned onto its head.

A brand new platform was just launched, allowing you to harness the power of AI to create digital products on any topic and niche.

So... not only do you NOT have to do the work of creating a digital product, you don't even have to know anything about it.

As you'll see in the demo video, he easily generates a product about a weird topic.

This is nuts:


I've already joined, and I recommend getting in right now during the launch. This is the new way to become an authority in any niche and grab your own piece of the rapidly growing market.

To your success,


Angle: 3 simple steps


  • 3 simple steps = Big Profits with AI!
  • Just 3 simple steps to your own profitable business...
  • 3 simple steps to sell courses online
  • 3 easy steps to profit from ideas
  • The 3 easy steps to big profits with AI



In the past, it took about 100 steps to set up an online business. Many of those were complicated, expensive, and technically challenging steps.

Today, that's all changed:


A new platform was just launched which enables you to sell digital products online with just 3 simple steps.

Step 1: Generate your digital product with AI.

Use the AI tool to create a product in any niche from scratch.

Step 2: Generate your sales page and thank-you page with AI.

Fill in a few blanks with information about your product, set your price, and let the AI do the copywriting.

Step 3: Publish and start selling.

Click to publish your product and instant sales page.

I've looked at this new platform, and it really is that simple.

In case you didn't notice in step one... you don't even have to "create" your own product. If you have one that's great, but if not, you can simply use the built-in AI technology to create a unique product for ANY topic or niche!

It's the quickest and most powerful way to immediately jump into the booming eLearning industry and become an authority in any niche.

If that sounds good to you, you need to see this immediately:


Right now they're accepting new members during the launch special. Get in now before it's too late.

To your success,


About AiProductEngine


  • Why AiProductEngine rocks [DFY AI digital products]
  • AiProductEngine just blew my mind
  • Profit from this new AI app...
  • [AiProductEngine] A life-changing AI DFY business!
  • Run Your Own Profitable eLearning Business with AI
  • Your ready-made AI-driven business...
  • Digital products DFY by AI
  • Have you heard about AiProductEngine? (Hot AI PROFIT app!)
  • Why AiProductEngine can change your life and business...
  • The truth about AiProductEngine
  • AI Product Engine (the real truth)




This new AI platform has blown me away, and I can't stop myself from sharing it with you...

What if you could have your own factory that creates digital products and everything you need to sell those products?

=>> Check this out: (YOUR AFF LINK HERE)

It's called AiProductEngine, and I think you're really going to like it.

How would you like to turn any IDEA into a profitable digital business?

And to do it WITHOUT any hassle or technical skills?

Well! The time has come to make that happen!

AiProductEngine is a brand-new web-based platform that lets you start your own digital product business in a matter of minutes.

Check out some of the great benefits of AiProductEngine:

[+] Start your own business with NO experience required

[+] Turn mere ideas into full digital products with AI

[+] Use AI to generate products to start selling immediately

[+] Sell digital products & keep 100% profits

[+] Create products on any topic - become an authority in any niche

[+] Manage everything from one dashboard

[+] Generate your sales page using powerful AI

[+] Generate the thank-you page with a few clicks

[+] Dominate search engines with SEO-optimized pages

[+] User-friendly sales page editor for customizations

[+] Create beautiful ecovers with the built-in cover maker

[+] Target unlimited niches and markets

[+] Newbie-friendly dashboard

[+] Cloud-based - use it anywhere with internet

[+] You can also upload and sell existing products

[+] Commercial Business license included

[+] Step-by-step training included

[+] Agency rights included to offer these services to clients

[+] Hosting of your pages included - be in business instantly

[+] And so much more...

I know it sounds incredible, which is why you really just need to see it. Check out the demo here...


To be clear, you don't even have to create your own courses. You simply harness the power of AI to generate brand new original courses from scratch.

Right now, they are offering it on a special launch deal. As you will see on the page, the price is going to increase very soon.

Therefore, I recommend checking it out today, and claim your access to everything with this special deal... while you still can:


Now is the perfect time to get into this business, as the eLearning industry is exploding with growth. Don't wait, join me on AiProductEngine today!

To your success,


Angle: Reminder 1



  • Did you look at this yet?
  • Did you see all of this yet?
  • Reminder - don't miss this!
  • Reminder to look at this before tomorrow
  • (Reminder) Don't miss it
  • (Reminder) new AI
  • Did you see this AI yet?
  • Are you profiting from this AI yet?



In case you missed my previous message, I wanted to make sure you don't miss this:


In a nutshell, here's what it's all about...

It's a new AI-powered platform where you can instantly create your own digital products and sales pages.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. It's called AiProductEngine and it allows you to...

[+] Start your own business with NO experience required

[+] Turn mere ideas into full digital products with AI

[+] Use AI to generate products to start selling immediately

[+] Sell digital products & keep 100% profits

[+] Create products on any topic - become an authority in any niche

[+] Manage everything from one dashboard

[+] Generate your sales page using powerful AI

[+] Generate the thank-you page with a few clicks

[+] Dominate search engines with SEO-optimized pages

[+] User-friendly sales page editor for customizations

[+] Create beautiful ecovers with the built-in cover maker

[+] Target unlimited niches and markets

[+] Newbie-friendly dashboard

[+] Cloud-based - use it anywhere with internet

[+] You can also upload and sell existing products

[+] Commercial Business license included

[+] Step-by-step training included

[+] Agency rights included to offer these services to clients

[+] Hosting of your pages included - be in business instantly

[+] And so much more...

I highly recommend checking it out right away:


Today it's super affordable during the launch special, but due to high demand they plan to increase the price and make it a monthly subscription for those who join later. So don't wait, get in today.

To your success,


Angle: Reminder 2


  • Did you see this?
  • This is getting insane results!
  • Did you pick up AiProductEngine?
  • AiProductEngine is on fire! (New AI profit platform)
  • Did you get access yet?
  • Did you get your access?
  • Huge results from a few clicks!
  • Reminder: don't miss this AI!
  • Reminder: New AI profit platform




If you haven't gained access to AiProductEngine yet, then I advise you do so right now before the early bird launch special is over:

=>> Access AiProductEngine here...(YOUR AFF LINK HERE)

Within the massively growing digital marketing industry, people are making millions by publishing and selling products online.

AiProductEngine is your best shot to become one of them, and when you see the demo you'll understand why.

It is a ground-breaking AI suite that lets you create and sell digital products online in almost no time... from scratch!

Here's what you can expect...

[+] Start your own business with NO experience required

[+] Turn mere ideas into full digital products with AI

[+] Use AI to generate products to start selling immediately

[+] Sell digital products & keep 100% profits

[+] Create products on any topic - become an authority in any niche

[+] Manage everything from one dashboard

[+] Generate your sales page using powerful AI

[+] Generate the thank-you page with a few clicks

[+] Dominate search engines with SEO-optimized pages

[+] User-friendly sales page editor for customizations

[+] Create beautiful ecovers with the built-in cover maker

[+] Target unlimited niches and markets

[+] Newbie-friendly dashboard

[+] Cloud-based - use it anywhere with internet

[+] You can also upload and sell existing products

[+] Commercial Business license included

[+] Step-by-step training included

[+] Agency rights included to offer these services to clients

[+] Hosting of your pages included - be in business instantly

[+] And so much more...

And it works in 3 simple steps...

Step 1: Generate your digital product with AI.

Use the AI tool to create a product in any niche from scratch.

Step 2: Generate your sales page and thank-you page with AI.

Fill in a few blanks with information about your product, set your price, and let the AI do the copywriting.

Step 3: Publish and start selling.

Click to publish your product and instant sales page.

That's it!

To be clear, you don't even have to do the work of creating your own products. You simply harness the power of AI to generate brand new original products from scratch.

I recommend that you go here now and join during the launch special before it's too late:


Right now it's super affordable during the launch special, but the price will be increasing to a monthly subscription due to huge demand. Get in now before it's too late.

To your success,


Angle: Scarcity/Closing 1


  • (ENDING TOMORROW) Don't miss this deadline...
  • (ENDING TODAY) Don't miss this deadline...
  • Warning: This ends tomorrow
  • Warning: This ends today
  • Warning: This ends at midnight
  • Expiration notification
  • 48 Hour Notice
  • 24 Hour Notice
  • 12 Hour Notice
  • Final Call: AiProductEngine Launch is Ending
  • Only 2 days to grab this
  • Only 1 day to grab this
  • Closing August 12th (get in now)
  • The door closes at midnight (AiProductEngine)
  • Door closes at midnight (get in now!)
  • Grab this before tomorrow (price will double)
  • Grab this before midnight (price will double)
  • Grab it now or pay double tomorrow
  • Just 2 days left
  • Just 1 day left (AiProductEngine)
  • Don't miss this FIRSTNAME. (24-hour warning)
  • Last chance to grab this shortcut
  • Last chance: new AI profit platform
  • Last chance to grab this eLearning business platform
  • Last chance to grab AiProductEngine
  • This expires in 36 hours
  • This expires in 24 hours
  • This expires at midnight
  • The price doubles tomorrow!
  • The price DOUBLES tomorrow (AiProductEngine)
  • The price doubles at midnight
  • Quick, the price is doubling!
  • Don't pay DOUBLE (grab this today)



If you haven't had time already...

Now is time to make time.

The launch special for this amazing new AI platform is almost over.

But if you act right now, you can still get in at the lowest possible price:


The launch expires on August 12th and if you get there later, you'll have to pay at least double!

If you'd like to grab your share of booming digital marketing industry while letting AI do all the hard work for you, then you need to check out AiProductEngine before it's too late.

It's an advanced AI platform that enables you create and sell products online, on any topic, in any niche, without writing or creating the content yourself.

Here's just some of what you can look forward to...

[+] Start your own business with NO experience required

[+] Turn mere ideas into full digital products with AI

[+] Use AI to generate products to start selling immediately

[+] Sell digital products & keep 100% profits

[+] Create products on any topic - become an authority in any niche

[+] Manage everything from one dashboard

[+] Generate your sales page using powerful AI

[+] Generate the thank-you page with a few clicks

[+] Dominate search engines with SEO-optimized pages

[+] User-friendly sales page editor for customizations

[+] Create beautiful ecovers with the built-in cover maker

[+] Target unlimited niches and markets

[+] Newbie-friendly dashboard

[+] Cloud-based - use it anywhere with internet

[+] You can also upload and sell existing products

[+] Commercial Business license included

[+] Step-by-step training included

[+] Agency rights included to offer these services to clients

[+] Hosting of your pages included - be in business instantly

[+] And so much more...

And that's just scratching the surface...

Right now you can grab it for a crazy low price with no monthly fees.

However, it will be ending so you'll need to act fast.

I highly recommend checking it out and grabbing it before the launch expires.


The price is surprisingly affordable, especially considering what this platform will do for your business.

To your success,


Angle: Scarcity/Closing 2


  • (ENDING TOMORROW) Don't miss this deadline...
  • (ENDING TODAY) Don't miss this deadline...
  • Warning: This ends tomorrow
  • Warning: This ends today
  • Warning: This ends at midnight
  • Expiration notification
  • 48 Hour Notice
  • 24 Hour Notice
  • 12 Hour Notice
  • Final Call: AiProductEngine Launch is Ending
  • Only 2 days to grab this
  • Only 1 day to grab this
  • Closing August 12th (get in now)
  • The door closes at midnight (AiProductEngine)
  • Door closes at midnight (get in now!)
  • Grab this before tomorrow (price will double)
  • Grab this before midnight (price will double)
  • Grab it now or pay double tomorrow
  • Just 2 days left
  • Just 1 day left (AiProductEngine)
  • Don't miss this FIRSTNAME. (24 hour warning)
  • Last chance to grab this shortcut
  • Last chance: new AI profit platform
  • Last chance to grab this eLearning business platform
  • Last chance to grab AiProductEngine
  • This expires in 36 hours
  • This expires in 24 hours
  • This expires at midnight
  • The price doubles tomorrow!
  • The price DOUBLES tomorrow (AiProductEngine)
  • The price doubles at midnight
  • Quick, the price is doubling!
  • Don't pay DOUBLE (grab this today)



The launch special for AiProductEngine is almost over:


If you'd like to tap into the rapidly growing $400 Billion eLearning industry in the easiest and fastest way possible, this is the solution for you.

The software runs in the cloud and does all the hard work for you. It can even create new and unique products on topics you know nothing about.

Right now, you can grab it for a crazy low price with no monthly fees. However, it will be ending at midnight, so you'll need to act fast.

The price will be AT LEAST doubled if you miss the launch special. I highly recommend checking it out and grabbing it before it expires.


The price is surprisingly affordable, especially considering what this AI platform does.

To your success,


P.S. - Why pay double, when you can grab it for the lowest price ever right now? They have a 30-day guarantee, so you might as well! I just hope you open this email on time :-)

Angle: Scarcity/Closing 3


  • (ENDING TOMORROW) Don't miss this deadline...
  • (ENDING TODAY) Don't miss this deadline...
  • Warning: This ends tomorrow
  • Warning: This ends today
  • Warning: This ends at midnight
  • Expiration notification
  • 48 Hour Notice
  • 24 Hour Notice
  • 12 Hour Notice
  • Final Call: AiProductEngine Launch is Ending
  • Only 2 days to grab this
  • Only 1 day to grab this
  • Closing August 12th (get in now)
  • The door closes at midnight (AiProductEngine)
  • Door closes at midnight (get in now!)
  • Grab this before tomorrow (price will double)
  • Grab this before midnight (price will double)
  • Grab it now or pay double tomorrow
  • Just 2 days left
  • Just 1 day left (AiProductEngine)
  • Don't miss this FIRSTNAME. (24 hour warning)
  • Last chance to grab this shortcut
  • Last chance: new AI profit platform
  • Last chance to grab this eLearning business platform
  • Last chance to grab AiProductEngine
  • This expires in 36 hours
  • This expires in 24 hours
  • This expires at midnight
  • The price doubles tomorrow!
  • The price DOUBLES tomorrow (AiProductEngine)
  • The price doubles at midnight
  • Quick, the price is doubling!
  • Don't pay DOUBLE (grab this today)



Time is ticking on the AiProductEngine launch special, and I don't want you to miss out:


The price will be AT LEAST doubling when the clock reaches zero.

It would be a shame to get there just a few minutes late and have to pay double!

Dive into the booming $400 Billion eLearning market effortlessly with AiProductEngine. This cloud-based platform handles the all the hard work of creating digital products and sales pages.

Seize this moment to grab AiProductEngine at an unbeatable one-time price, with zero monthly fees.

To avoid missing out on this incredible deal, I urge you to grab it before the clock hits zero.


Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers.

Wishing you the best of success,


Bonus Download Links:

Bonus Box Images:

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